Your November 2022 Tarot Card Reading Based On Your Zodiac Sign by Tarot in Singapore

Tarot Mamta from TarotinSingapore has her November tarot card readings ready for you this month. The mystic pairing of sun signs and tarot cards will give you a sneak peek of what’s in store for you this month; let the intuition of the tarot cards draw you in and show you the way.
Tarot Card Reading for Scorpio: Six of Cups
You might feel like you want to get 25 hours out of each day this month, Dear Scorpio. You will constantly want to be on the move, pacing ahead, moving things on, creating new ideas and taking quick actions. Catch a breath and make sure that all this action doesn’t leave you too dizzy. You might also run into an old nemesis and then start to plot an elaborate scheme of revenge. The energy on the tarot card asks you to look at things from other angles, other perspectives, and other people’s point of view. You might be surprised at the growth and the understanding that you might gain.
Career: When it comes to work this November, there might be a conflict that might restrict your progress. Narrow down on what's the real cause or the root and once you tackle it, move ahead and get on your road to achieving greater heights.
Love: What makes you happy about this relationship or your partner? It might not make sense or people might also not see much in common but this is your decision and only you will be living with your choices, so just make sure you know what you want and listen to everyone’s opinion but do what your heart tells you to.
Tarot Card Reading for Sagittarius: The Fool
The energy on the card for this month indicates that there is something new opening up or coming your way. Welcome this energy with the openness and enthusiasm of a child, once you see the potential of the energy surge that you are about to receive, just remember that you don’t need to overwhelm yourself in order to prove your worth. Take things slow, one day at a time and chalk out the way forward for yourself and those around you. Your health and finances will also see an upswing this November.
Career: Though your seniors and the management is on your side, you will have to work extra hard to maintain the balance between your colleagues and your seniors. Your talent and your efforts will be noticed and appreciated in your company. If you are looking for a job, this month might bring in more obstacles than opportunities.
Love: When it comes to love this month, a small but thoughtful gesture can go a long way this month. Be thoughtful and creative about what your partner might look forward to from you. You might be facing some power struggles with your partner, be practical and calm, things will get sorted sooner than later.
Tarot Card Reading for Capricorn: The Moon
This Month, you might feel like you are faced with crossroads in all aspects of your life. Dear goats, your go-to mantra this November is to remember that you are not helpless. You simply need to tap into your natural ability to think outside the box in order to invite growth into your life. It is definitely the time to not only see the bigger picture but also plan ahead. While you are planning, do bear in mind that there are no permanent states of being, things will constantly keep changing. Your vision needs to be constant with dedicated effort till you gain more clarity. If you stick to the path, the results would be rewarding.
Career: Maybe you would get an itch to give it all up and start a yoga retreat or some other passion project. Look into what is not working for you, is it the work or the kind of projects? Maybe taking a new job would be the ideal solution for you.
Love: Dear Goats, this is not the Month to hold back or sit on the fence about your feelings. You will have to make decisions, do you want to be in this relationship or do you want out? Talk out the way you are feeling and that might give you some directions on what you want to do in your love life.
Tarot Card Reading for Aquarius: Seven of Wands
This month will see you putting your nose to the grind and hustling to make it tick all that you set out to do for yourself this year. Try sticking to that ambitious schedule but be a lot kinder to yourself if you don't finish all that you set out to do. As a self-starter towards the end of the month, you might just be asked to sit back and see what the universe has in store for you, as challenging as that might sound.
Career: Dear Aquarius, hard work never goes unnoticed, it may take a few months or even a year but trust the universe that you will get the credit that is due. Your talent may be recognised and shall be rewarded. In addition, your personality is likely to make a difference in your life.
Love: The tarot cards, ask you to open up about your feelings to your partner this month, dear water bearer. Let your better half know how much you appreciate having them in your life. Even tell your best friend that you are grateful for their support. And if you have been crushing hard on someone, do express the way you feel about them.
Tarot Card Reading for Pisces: The Hanged Man
It’s a fight between your heartstrings and common sense, this Month dear Pisces. Our minds are the seat of logic and practicality but our heart always guides us truthfully with our highest interest and greater good given priority. If you do make unconventional choices, it will have the maximum growth and learning in sort for you. You will just need to differentiate between the voice of your heart and the ego.
Career: You might be ready to write off your 9 to 5 job as boring and with nothing much to get excited about. This month, you will have to try to take the initiative within your team, and also take on some extra additional responsibilities. If you are able to do this, you will find new opportunities in your existing place.
Love: Lady luck seems to be smiling at you this Month, dear Pisces. If single, you will land the girl of your dreams and start a dream relationship. If married, it will be a month filled with warmth, love and bliss ahead.
Tarot Card Reading for Aries: Two of Swords Reversed
This month welcomes a very powerful cleansing energy, Aries. Things might feel like they are falling apart and no matter how much you try to get them in order, chaos seems to rule. Be humble in the face of uncertainty and it will present a new cycle of change, it will be normal to reject it at first but if you stick with it, it can push you to achieve your higher self. Treat this as a much-needed wake-up call to wake up from your daydreaming haze and to take charge of your destiny and your actions.
Career: Aries, this is a very potent month to make your mark in your career. Trust those aha-aha moments and voice your ideas and solutions with undoubted belief and without any fear or hesitation. The flash of unexpected creativity might just be what the doctor ordered.
Love: This month, you will have to strive a lot harder to make your existing relationship work much better. If single, you might be ready for a relationship, but you will undoubtedly have to step outside your comfort zone to make it happen.
Tarot Card Reading for Taurus: King of Swords
This month will feel like you are paying off your debts- financial, romantic and even karmic ones. All this clearing might leave you feeling like you are stuck in neutral. Take all the time you need and ponder over your goals and your needs and desires. It is more important to make the right choices, even if you make delayed decisions. Sometimes, sleeping on things will give you as much as you need before you can take action. The health of your family members will also present some challenges for you this month.
Career: It is the time to truly see whether your achievements are making you happy or restless. As gratifying as your success is, are you filled with resentment or worse bitterness a few days later? Use this month to dig deep for what you really want from your career, maybe chasing milestones is making you more unsatisfied than you care to admit.
Love: Maybe you have forgotten how toxic your relationship with your ex really had become, you will need to put an effort to fight back those lingering nostalgic feelings. You have it in you to resist and overcome this pattern of destruction. In your commitments take the responsibility for your own happiness and understand that happiness is an inside job.
Tarot Card Reading for Gemini: Knight of Pentacles
Twins stars, this month watch out for nagging health concerns, things that you have ignored or overlooked will catch up. Don’t let people or situations knock you off your stride, you are surely more together and balanced than you might realize. It's good to aim high but don't have expectations of yourself or others that you or they can't possibly meet. Remember this month, Relationships don't have to be stifling as long as they support our need for growth and freedom.
Career: Caution and patience will serve you very well this month when it comes to your career. You might be prone to make rash decisions, especially when it comes to money matters. This can prove very detrimental in these economically challenging times. Ask for advice if you need and don’t be too proud.
Love: This month when it comes to your love life, you will need to understand that the other person needs some space and time to think things over. There is nothing more for you to do, hit the pause button and simply wait. If married, then you and your spouse will enjoy peaceful and blissful vibes.
Tarot Card Reading for Cancer: Ten of Cups
You will be back to work with a bang and the whole drum roll dear crabs. Your planets and their movements bring some long-awaited progress for both your personal life and finances. Whether you like it or resist it, you will be the topic of discussion this Month. Soak it all up but also get into having healthy boundaries to protect your aura and keep your vibe positive and upbeat. This month will see you moving, getting to know yourself, wandering, exploring and laughing.
Career: Are you being competitive or conflicting when it comes to your career dear Cancer? If you are working with a healthy competitive spirit then you will actually motivate your entire team to be better versions of themselves. The other will only debilitate all parties involved and it would not bring much progress to anyone in the organisation.
Love: Conflict and confusion seem to be on the cards when it comes to your love life, dear crabs. The drama can be fun and addictive even but it’s short-lived and doesn't really give you any solution or answers.
Tarot Card Reading for Leo: Five of Cups
The verdict is out dear Lions, there is no need to feel so guilty all the time. It’s the time to let go of things, move on and realise that there is no point crying over spilled milk. No matter how much you wish to turn back time or edit your past, it simply can't be done. You will need to be single-minded about moving ahead and stubborn about your progress, you will have a lot of thoughts, both negative and positive. Your mind will pull you in opposite directions. However, at the end of the day, you need to ask yourself, are you in the driver’s seat of your life journey or on the passenger’s side? You have the power to steer yourself towards the path of your highest good.
Career: When it comes to work, do you feel unrewarded or even unrecognized? Lions you need to actively start to seek better opportunities be it in your current organisation or in any other company. Value your talent and your skillset, then don’t be afraid to make your demands known and acknowledged. If nothing, you will feel a lot more empowered with the respect and the reward that you deserve.
Love: You will need to have a lot more effort, willingness to listen to each other and the heart to take in some constructive feedback in order to make this relationship work. Are you treating each other with respect? Do you know how the other person is treating this relationship and what they want from it?
Tarot Card Reading for Virgo: The Chariot
Dear Virgo, use your powers of persuasion wisely this month dear Virgo. It is time to shake off the fog and the confusion of the past few months and get ready to meet November with a lot of clarity. You will have the opportunity to take your personal transformation to a much deeper and more meaningful level this month. Your stars and the cosmos will support all the healing and nurturing that you need to help put the best version of yourself out there for the months to follow. Shed the heavy and the stagnant energy as you welcome lighter and brighter vibes into your life.
Career: You need to remember to enjoy your life a bit more, balance and give yourself enough breaks. Only profits shouldn’t be the sole motive. Paying bills is necessary however if you remain disgruntled and unfulfilled, even the most high-paying job becomes toxic.
Love: When it comes to your love life this Month, it seems that the power to manifest your ideal mate seems to have been visualised through your dreams. Now that you have attracted this energy into your life, you would also need to put in the effort to make this happen for you.
Tarot Card Reading for Libra: Four of Cups
This Month is all about handling your finances and getting your house in order, dear Librans. Do things to make your house feel more secure and cosy, like adding your favourite colours, and elements or even going for a home upgrade project. Once you feel more settled or you will start to shine this new-found confidence into other areas of your life- work, family etc.
Career: You and your team would be hard-pressed to come up with solutions or ideas that would help your company or project save some money. If you are looking to change your job, November would prove to be very slow. Maybe trying to look for a job a few months down the road will fetch you more positive results.
Love: Money matters can create a wedge between you and your partner. Have you mounted a significant credit card debt or a personal loan that you are struggling to pay off? You will need to come clean to your partner and though it might be rough, your partner will help you come up with a solution.
Tarot Mamta

Mamta learnt tarot from a gypsy woman in London many moons ago, she has been reading cards for over 12 years. She has an international clientele and combines ancient wisdom with the mysterious art of tarot card reading to guide her clients through their challenges. Currently based in Singapore, you can find out more at www.tarotinsingapore.com
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