Your March 2021 Tarot Card Reading by Tarot in Singapore

Tarot Mamta from TarotinSingapore has her March tarot card readings ready for you. The mystic pairing of sun signs and tarot cards will give you a sneak peek of what’s in store for you this month; let the intuition of the tarot cards draw you in and show you the way.
Pisces Tarot Card of the Month - The Moon
Are you pushing yourself too hard? Or are you giving up too soon? Your mind will be swinging between extremes this March. You will need to put yourself on the centre stage and take full control of your life and what you want from it. You always have to answer to yourself no matter what. Now it's time to take your homework and claim ownership for your desires and ambitions. You've been going through some fabulous changes for so long that now is your time to absolutely shine and live your best life. If you feel the need to make a change and are ready to jump into your destiny, buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Career: It’s the month to set your intentions, dreaming big is good but as you build out your latest and greatest concepts, make sure you have the budget, hours and capacity to take on all you’re thinking or even promising your client.
Love: Your love life will take a very interesting turn this month, you’d better buckle up and get ready for the bumpy road with surprises ahead. If single, you would meet someone who would bring out your wild side.
Aries Tarot Card of the Month - Nine of Wands
March will be the month that will place you at the right time and the right place, you will have to reach out and seize the opportunities. There might not be another time that may offer so much in all aspects of your life. You will need to stop yourself from overindulging- be it online shopping or breaking your diet. If anyone is killing your vibe, use your intellect to stay calm and more importantly out of the drama. Things will be lighter and better towards the end of the month.
Career: Are you happy about your work? Do you feel a sense of pride or like spending your day doing what you do? It’s time to evaluate the total picture. If you’re unhappy, what’s missing? And if you’re satisfied, where are you heading from here?
Love: If you are single, new relationships may be romantic but might not stand the test of time or even the month. If you are trying to impress your partner, spending quality time without your gadgets would be the most precious gift that you can offer. This will strengthen your bonding and you would learn something new about each other.
Taurus Tarot Card of the Month - Ace of Pentacles Reversed
Stepping on the gas and hitting the break at the same time? March might feel like being stuck on a treadmill, what are you doing in your life that is attracting stagnant and stuck energy? Do you need to let go of something, someone or simply get realistic? This month will bring about certain ups and downs, change your perspective and see how your challenges can be blessings in disguise. Be kind to yourself and easy into this Month.
Career: Have you stopped and acknowledged how far you have come in your career? At work, you will face situations that will be testing your skill-set and your people management abilities in equal measure. Don’t hesitate to put your experience to the test; you will come out in flying colours.
Love: Money or financial matters will play spoilsport in your marital bliss. This will create a lot of friction and will cause a lot of heartaches, finding common ground would take time but it will help in finding peace. If single, commitments that are made in the morning may change by the evening.
Gemini Tarot Card of the Month - Eight of Cups
This month would make you get rid of a lot of clutter, both physical and mental. You will need to take an honest look at what serves you and what is the new energy you want to invite into your life. You will get in touch with what you truly desire and what you would want to manifest for yourself. If you feel like you aren’t ready to decide, take your time and don’t rush through just for the sake of getting things done. You will need to own your decisions to be it and live it.
Career: Have you been thinking up or creative ideas or business solutions for a while now? March will bring about circumstances to make it happen. Don’t get too lost in work, make some time for play and don’t get involved in your co-workers' drama. You may be quick to react now, so think twice before you talk.
Love: Your partner might try to play the guilt-trip card one too many times, setting boundaries will be necessary, you will need to be firm about your stand. If single, you might meet someone with a lot of potential but remember that initial chemistry may not last long.
Cancer Tarot Card of the Month - The King of Wands
You will get an extra shot of boost to your confidence, you will need to learn the lesson that only you can decide your worth. To raise your vibration, raise your self-esteem, though this month can provoke sudden change and bring up past hurt it will also bring about possibilities for bliss. Make some room and time to pursue a childhood hobby or interest, be it painting, playing a sport or re-reading a childhood favourite. Let your imagination room free and unplug from mundane chores and activities. Daydream and allow yourself to bring out your inner child, this March.
Career: Work decisions need to be taken more with your head, logic and clarity. This month you should not let your emotions guide you and don’t let things fester or sweep things under the carpet. If you don’t agree with someone or a certain way of doing things, make your voice heard.
Love: When it comes to your relationship or marriage, you might feel like you have reached the end of the road. March can signify endings and transitions, sometimes going separate ways might not be as devastating as you make it be.
Leo Tarot Card of the Month - Wheel of Fortune
Have you made a vision board and kept it tugged away somewhere. This March you will finally have the cosmic support and the decisive energy to make your vision a reality. Even if you have to be a bit selfish of your time and attention to accomplish your goals, do so as the potency of the month is not meant to be wasted. You have a very clear idea of what comfort means to you right now, but don't let that override the needs of your loved ones.
Career: Manifest the change or the goals you want to see in your career, your stars encourage you to get bold as you envision your future. Seniors and coworkers will be supportive of you this month. Problem-solving, mediation, and casual debates will shed their usual tedium in your eyes.
Love: You and your partner, both want to be in charge and that makes room for ego clashes, you will be better off addressing issues head-on. Take financial decisions together and don’t use money to get even or get back at each other. If single, you might meet an old flame and things might get heated up.
Virgo Tarot Card of the Month - Four of Swords Reversed
This Month will prove to be chaos and curveballs before the calm, it will bring dramatic changes and provoke you to relook or have a rethink about where you want your life to be heading towards? Take an unflinching audit of your life: Maybe certain structures have become outmoded, or you’ve turned into such a creature of habit that there’s little room for fun and experimentation. This month would have you worried about your finances but things would be settled by mid-month.
Career: It’s definitely the month to act on your goals and aspirations that you have been postponing or procrastinating. Make up your mind and stick to making things happen, do things that might make you feel a bit uncomfortable or even challenge you. Don’t keep putting things off and take the effort to make your ideas happen.
Love: Someone you thought was just a friend might develop into something romantic, express yourself on where you stand, don’t just drop hints. If married, take the time to listen to your spouse, it will be beneficial for the relationship.
Libra Tarot Card of the Month - Queen of Wands
March will see you playing mentor to near and dear ones, you will need to be careful what you say as people would take your advice seriously. You will be a part of many candid conversations, as you lead a listening ear you can also encourage people to think for themselves. You will also be seen as a prominent personality in your social circle. If you want to upgrade your skills or join an online course, this month would be ideal.
Career: You will need to prioritise what you want from your career and what are the steps that you will take to make it happen? Conserve your energy and pour it into your pet project. You’re more solidly in the driver’s seat than you realize.
Love: Your spouse will be your partner in crime, you both will find new and fun interests to bond and connect over. Combine your strengths and you can also be a power couple.
Scorpio Tarot Card of the Month - Six of Wands
The best tactic to survive this month will be to lie low and keep a low profile, don’t make any rash decisions. While sometimes it pays to be the first out of the door, other times, it’s more strategic to wait for an opportunity to knock. You will have no trouble finding the right solutions and seeing things through. Your exemplary managing skills will be noticed, appreciated and admired.
Career: You may feel trapped, puzzled and perplexed about an office gossip. You may not be inclined to deal with unpleasant situations this month. By keeping to yourself and focusing on your tasks, you can steer clear of any potentially dramatic situations.
Love: This month dear Scorpio, a little absence makes the heart grow fonder. While that can be a wonderful relationship reset, if you’ve been sweeping serious issues under the carpet, too much alone time could bring them into sharp relief.
Sagittarius Tarot Card of the Month - Knight of Wands
You thrive in chaotic situations and challenges but do make sure that there is some kind of order or structure. Even if the method to your madness is only understood by you, the first half of March would see you at your multi-tasking best. In the second half of the month, you would slip into a little bit of hibernation and enjoy some time in your cocoon, nesting and resting.
Career: Last minute changes and late night deliverables seen to be the hallmark for this month. There can be sudden challenges and work pressure which can give you stress. Try to work on a priority basis. You should be able to keep up with the changes in the work environment.
Love: It’s a fantastic month for singles as you will be attracting the most eligible partner in town. If you are in a committed relationship then pull all the stops to squeeze in some romantic time, be spontaneous and creative with your plans. Try to be down to earth, to have a peaceful month in your marital life.
Capricorn Tarot Card of the Month - Four of Cups
March will call you to take a stand both on things and for people. Circumstances will make it easy for you to stand up for what you believe in. Avoid arguments and be the bigger person to let things go, you will become more structured in your method of approach in all aspects of your life. You might have to decide between your own needs and what others are trying to get you to do. The most important thing to do is to always bet on yourself at the end of the day.
Career: You have left no stone unturned in putting effort and your work shows that you have put your heart and soul into your projects. Appreciation, though slow in pace, is on its way to encourage you.
Love: You go through a major breakthrough in your love life, if you are single, you might get to know if you want to settle down or if you are happy being by yourself. If your only desire is to strengthen your relationship, then you will need to devote more time to each other than usual for things to improve.
Aquarius Tarot Card of the Month - Two of Swords
This March is going to be filled with incredible news and exciting times from the beginning of the month. You will have a lot to be thankful for and your lucky stars will bring a whole lot of prosperity and luck. This time will also bring a lot of reflective energy your way, forcing you to look at your boundaries and whether or not others are taking advantage of you. Revive a practice of yoga, therapy, or meditation that supports your healing and holistic well-being. Holding a grudge? Now will be the best time to let it all go.
Career: Talk to your team and you would be able to get a lot more accomplished, it will be a busy month and you will need to double-check your schedule and only take on what you can handle. If you are looking for a new job or to change your industry, you will get good opportunities this March.
Love: The month may start off with a bit of confusion. You may feel unsure of what you want in matters of the heart, or how to move forward, be honest about the way you feel and don’t make promises you can’t keep.
For personalised Tarot Card Readings or Tarot Card Lessons, WhatsApp Tarot Mamta at (+65) 9749 9287.
Tarot Mamta

Mamta learnt tarot from a gypsy woman in London many moons ago, she has been reading cards for over 12 years. She has an international clientele and combines ancient wisdom with the mysterious art of tarot card reading to guide her clients through their challenges. Currently based in Singapore, you can find out more at www.tarotinsingapore.com
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