Tarot Mamta from TarotinSingapore has her July tarot card readings ready for you. The mystic pairing of sun signs and tarot cards will give you a sneak peek of what’s in store for you this month; let the intuition of the tarot cards draw you in and show you the way.
Cancer Tarot Card of the Month - The Magician
This month will begin and end on a celebratory note, the efforts and the plans of the past few months will finally bear fruit. Draw a relaxing bath, sign up for grounding meditation sessions and protect your energy to ensure that you are able to live in your own happy and positive bubble without outside drama. Push yourself to come out of your comfort zone every once in a while and remember that only you can push yourself to become a better version of yourself. Go for it dear Cancerians, the universe has your back and it will support you in your self-discovery journey.
Career: July will prove to be a mixed bag for your work life, the odds are that you would be the victim of other’s projections. Even if you aren’t really looking for a job, network with head hunters and attend official get-togethers even if it's e-meet-ups. You might rub shoulders with the big wigs and you are most likely to make a lasting impression.
Love: Your relationship might feel like a fairy-tale, under the influence of the stars this month. However, your illusions would be stripped bare you would need to stop idealising the way you need your partner to be. At the risk of repeating, you must see relationships for what they are and only nurture those which bring joy and meaning to your life.
Leo Tarot Card of the Month - Seven of Wands
The lockdown has been relaxed, yes you will need to be vigilant but don’t be on the edgy all the time. It’s time to give yourself some TLC and invest in what self-love means to you, just having a cheat meal or getting yourself that tote bag or an expensive face-lift might not be as fulfilling or loving as you imagined it to be. Loving yourself might just be getting a lot more disciplined with yourself and your life goals. Put yourself first this July then, everyone and everything else in your life.
Career: There’s a time to sow the seeds and a time to reap its rewards, this month is all about the prep work that you would be doing to attain the ultimate success you envision for yourself. Keep in mind that your career will evolve in time, for now, you will need to keep calm and carry on.
Love: Your love life will be on an all-time high, you will be attracting new partners and romantic gestures from one and all. You might be tempted towards an affair or even a one night stand, this might prove to be disastrous for your commitments. Though the excitement might make it heady, the cards advise you to think before you act.
Virgo Tarot Card of the Month - Page of Swords
Talking to a stranger will come more naturally and can be very therapeutic. You will be honest and open about what’s bothering you and maybe even be more willing to take on more responsibility for your actions and your thoughts. Look for the perfect stranger, could be your therapist, your BFF or your journal. Talking and letting it out will allow you to release all the residual sentiments that have been building up inside of yourself in a healthy manner.
Career: The vibes of the month will awaken a lot of hidden or ignored arguments about the head and the heart. Intellect or emotions? Which one makes more sense? Passion or profits? Take note and see which choice rings the truth for you. Maybe finding your purpose in what you currently do might not be as hard as you think.
Love: The energy of this month will make your love life a lot more intense and heavy. Though you will be avoiding confrontational conversations, you will not be able to push all your issues under the carpet. If any issues your partner brings stings more than it should, maybe there is an element of truth to it. Try to patiently hear them out and take their words in slowly.
Libra Tarot Card of the Month - Temperance
Vision boards, manifestation journals, the power of positive thinking, all these things will help you to envision a life and a version of yourself . Think about former desires or old goals that have been on the back burner for years. They have the ability to come to life and become a reality this month. Buckle down, focus on your work and let your creative and your feminine side bring your vision to life.
Career: Have you been wanting to start your own gig or thinking of having a second source of income? When it comes to your career you will be full or power moves that would impress your seniors and your juniors alike.
Love: Twin souls partnerships isn’t just about the initial attraction or the sparks. It’s about building a relationship with effort and patience, get serious only if you are ready to put in the work. If married, you may have hit a few bumps along the road but hang in there and it will get better.
Scorpio Tarot Card of the Month - Ace of Pentacles Reversed
You will have to be brutally honest with yourself, dear Scorpio what are the self-limiting beliefs that are holding you from the success and the happiness that you have envisioned for yourself? These limitations keep bringing up old insecurities. You may feel a surge of jealousy toward a nemesis or rival. Instead of looking over your shoulder, examine what’s underneath that competitive flare-up.
Career: Pull your nerves together, this July is going to test all your negotiations skills. You need to look closely at whether you are doggedly holding on at your own expense instead of cutting your losses on your projects or your clients?
Love: There isn’t much middle ground, between you and your partner this month. You are either all in or out. You're either wildly attracted to each other or completely repelled. Jealousy can be an issue on both sides. However, you can make an excellent team if you respect each other's strengths.
Sagittarius Tarot Card of the Month - Two of Pentacles
Running and rushing into projects with full gusto will come naturally to you, you will need to back up a bit, think about both the pros and cons and make sure that you aren’t rushing into anything prematurely. Are you happy with your current financial situation? If you aren’t, remember that there are no magic beans in the world. You will need to invest wisely and avoid ‘grow-rich-quick’ schemes at all costs.
Career: Biting off more than you can chew? It’s good to be ambitious with what you want to achieve but you will need to be realistic as well. Learn to delegate and use the talent of the team for the benefit of the whole team, don’t aspire to be a lone ranger.
Love: If you are ready to take your relationship to the next level, there might be engagement or marriage plans on the cards for you. You will need to be careful on how you phrase your words, careful where you aim those truth-tipped arrows, your brutal honesty could be misunderstood in any partnership discussion.
Capricorn Tarot Card of the Month - Five of Swords
Feeling a bit stuck or cooped up due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic? An adventure for two might be just what the cosmos ordered, plan a house party or take on a few social activities and get back to the groove of things. A night out or high tea with your bestie will help gain mental clarity and give you the push to take action to manifest your dreams into reality. This month also be careful to not indulge in speculative ventures, you are sure to lose money.
Career: If you are in a position where you have to let go of a few members of your team, make sure this is about capability and talent and not about your ego. A calculated risk could lead to a big break in your career this month. An out-of-the-box approach could be just what it takes to make your endeavour stand out in the marketplace. Put on your thinking hats and get creative.
Love: Even if you are in a commitment or a marriage, you might crave an exciting connection. This is good as a one-time thing but you might get caught in a web of your own making. Be mindful of your choices, just because life feels like a rut, an affair will not be a justified distraction.
Aquarius Tarot Card of the Month - King of Swords
The wisdom and the energy of your tribe or your gang can pull you out of the rut and help your raise your vibe. Step back and get an objective look at what’s going on and what’s going wrong, then generate some ideas for getting back on track. If you’re seeing worrisome writing on the wall, trust your intuition and take charge. Working with the group or the counsel of your trusted friends or family members will give you the confidence to make these necessary changes.
Career: This July your career will bring you a lot of joy and positivity. Expect an increase, you may end up with a bonus you were not suspecting, something you own is worth more than you thought, in short, money is on the upswing. Be sensible with how you use and invest this money. Think long-term.
Love: What does happiness look like in a relationship for you? You will need to own up to your vision of what works or doesn’t work in a relationship, don’t expect your partner to be a mind reader.
Pisces Tarot Card of the Month - Four of Wands
Dear Pisces, don't hesitate to make where you stand clear this July. Though you might lose a few friends and may even rub people the wrong way. Your clarity will actually inspire people to speak up or even stand up for themselves. The energy on the cards can indicate that a change is coming - a positive change - in your personal or business life. This month also points towards you being more independent and thinking for yourself.
Career: If you are having self-doubts about your purpose or if you are struggling to figure out what’s your ‘why’, you will need to stick with the unclarity and the uncertainty for a while, you will get the answers you have been asking yourself.
Love: You have attracted a partner who is a keeper, you just need to be willing to put in the effort to make it work. By facing your fears you grow even stronger and ready to face the next obstacle in your path together. Indeed, there can be no courage without fear to inspire it.
Aries Tarot Card of the Month - King of Pentacles
It might be the eclipse, your stars or even your moods; in July you would feel that all these things are conspiring to stir up drama in every way possible. Celebrate returning to socialization with killer outfits and makeup looks. Ask for what you want, yet be careful of what you wish for, as it might come true. You will need to brutally honest with yourself and check if you are friends simply because of their social status or Instagram followers? But sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself is to step back.
Career: Use your signature charm and your wits to ask for what you want from your career this month. Your seniors and your partners would be more than willing to oblige you. Your manifestation vibes will be strong, especially during the first half of the month, you will see the culmination of a project you've been working on for the last few months.
Love: Letting go of a relationship might be easier than you can imagine, it's about time that you shed the old way of thinking about what you feel is right or not in the relationship. You need to be more accommodating of each other's views and desires. Though the initial reveal may be a bit shocking, it’s better than pushing things under the carpet.
Taurus Tarot Card of the Month - Death
July might feel like a month where you will have to shed the old and welcome new energy into your life. You may realise that you have outgrown an old way of thinking or doing things, make room for a fresh take or new people into your life. It’s time to buckle up and stay in the uncertainty for a while, you may see yourself getting confused and conflicted with the many decisions laid in front of you. But so long as you remain adaptable to the little twists and turns, you will be fine.
Career: You might feel very demotivated about your ongoing projects or even your work at large. You might feel that things are going a bit downhill for you. This July you will need to put a brave front and hold on as you will be watched closely by your teammates.
Love: A relationship that you have been investing in might begin to feel like home, if this is what you want then don’t hold back. Enjoy the attention, but stay in the present. Be careful and don't fall for old flames again, let your past stay in the past.
Gemini Tarot Card of the Month - Five of Wands
Clear out your schedule, make room for your wildest imagination and let your creativity take wing this July. You will be brimming with ideas and great solutions. You always make the headlines but starting this month, you can take it one step further. If you’ve crawled under a rock due to the pandemic or taken a hiatus from your social life, it’s now safe to come out and play.
Career: When It comes to work, this July it will help if you shamelessly promote yourself to both your teammates and your clients. You would get an opportunity to turn your beloved hobby into a business, make sure you aren’t going to destroy your passion in the process.
Love: If married, you will need to stop complaining. Maybe you will need to plan for something a bit bigger than just staycations and candle-lit dinners. This fertile cycle could get plans in motion for a little bundle of joy, or maybe you’ll finally adopt a pet.
For personalised Tarot Card Readings or Tarot Card Lessons, WhatsApp Tarot Mamta at (+65) 9749 9287.
Tarot Mamta

Mamta learnt tarot from a gypsy woman in London many moons ago, she has been reading cards for over 12 years. She has an international clientele and combines ancient wisdom with the mysterious art of tarot card reading to guide her clients through their challenges. Currently based in Singapore, you can find out more at www.tarotinsingapore.com
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