Your August 2022 Tarot Card Reading Based On Your Zodiac Sign by Tarot in Singapore

Tarot Mamta from TarotinSingapore has her August tarot card readings ready for you this month. The mystic pairing of sun signs and tarot cards will give you a sneak peek of what’s in store for you this month; let the intuition of the tarot cards draw you in and show you the way.
Leo Tarot Card of The Month - Knight of Pentacles
As one of the bravest signs of the zodiac, you will have your work cut out for you this month, dear Lions. Have a think about what makes you light up and makes your heart sing. As this month will bring you the opportunity to make your dreams come true, make small changes that would bring about a big impact. You will find the right solution very easily and you will be able to see things through this month. A word of caution for you on the cards would be to stay away from pushy or arrogant people, as they can bring up pent-up aggression or anger in you.
Career: Have you been working on a secret or your dream project in the hope of finding the right time or the right person to invest in your ideas? August definitely will prove to be that month for you, sound off your ideas to a trusted mentor, friend or even your boss.
Love: When it comes to love and relationships, this August conversations and connecting with your spouse will come very easily and flow very naturally. If you have a crush on someone, this month will be ideal to express your love
Virgo Tarot Card of The Month - Queen of Swords Reversed
Your stars will be influencing you to act out or even behave like a spoilt child, you seem to forget that it takes a healthy give and take to make things happen for you and the people around you. Check yourself before you make any permanent damages with the people or the relationships that you might have built over the years. The second part of the month would be a lot more smooth sailing and things would be rather uneventful, which can be just what the doctor ordered for you dear Virgo.
Career: You might want to be left alone at work this month, choose clients or projects that would allow you the flexibility and the comfort to handle things by yourself. If you require more time or resources to meet your deadlines, be upfront about it and ask for the things that you want immediately.
Love: Are you playing the wounded lover one too many times in the relationship? Is your partner finding your immaturity a bit too overbearing? It is time to grow up and take responsibility for your own feelings and your doing in the equation. If single, you might be pursued relentlessly by someone who has been crushing on you for a while.
Libra Tarot Card of The Month - Seven of Cups
August can prove to be a roller coaster ride without the safety belt. You might feel that life can change in the blink of an eye, you might go from lazing by the pool to pulling all nighters at the drop of a hat. Things and people might move in and out of your life at lightning speed and the best thing you can do is to stay centred and calm. Travel will play a big role this month, as you chalk up the miles, take care of your health and make sure you are getting adequate rest. Make an effort to maintain a clean and light diet, it would benefit your health immensely.
Career: Are you working for the sake of working without putting in too much heart of soul into your tasks? This can be a very counterproductive way of doing things, strive for some kind of balance and delegate if need be, don’t take the weight of the whole world on your shoulders and then complain about the amount of work on your plate.
Love: You might have difficulty in expressing the way you feel, many times you would choose to suppress the way you truly feel. If you are starting a relationship, it's in your best interest to speak your mind, you are doing a favour to both the parties involved
Scorpio Tarot Card of The Month - The Star
Dear Scorpio, this August will come with a very powerful full moon, things and opportunities will fall into your lap and you will see a lot of positive changes happening to you. Love and beauty will enter your life, make time to reconnect with your friends. The meet-up will help you unwind and you can make some new contacts at social gatherings. This month will bring in a lot of influx of energy. Try some meditation or breathing exercises to ground yourself. Make the best of this time and get ready for the rest of the year.
Career: Are you being very bossy to your teammates at the workplace? Maybe pulling back a notch or two will make you more relatable and your team might respond a lot more positive and you can get a lot more done. If you are looking for a new job, you will need to polish your bio-data and brush up on your skill sets.
Love: Welcome August with a lot of romantic gusto and fanfare, you flirty Scorpio. You might prove to be a heart breaker, so if someone shows up from the past let them be and go meet new people. Married couples this month should definitely try to do something that can help bond with each other, try candle making classes or yoga classes anything that fancies the both of you.
Sagittarius Tarot Card of The Month - The High Priestess
Big dreams and a sense of purpose will be presented to you this month, dear Archer. If you have been trying to get out of situations or friendships that have become overbearing, this will happen effortlessly in August. Set a goal for yourself and you will be surprised at how the universe will spring into action to make things happen for you. You don’t have to turn up everything or start afresh. It's all about being very sure and going for that one thing with all your focus. Be bold in the things that you are asking and you will be surprised how soon it would be granted. Magic awaits you this month, dear Sagittarius make the most of this month.
Career: Things and projects will feel just right at work this month. Soak up the good times, turn on your charm and impress your seniors and your colleagues alike. If you have been looking for the right time to talk about your bonus, all your ideas wait no more, be bold and talk to people who can make a difference.
Love: And if you want to be single, you should embrace that and be single. However, you also don't want to leave a trail of vengeful exes behind you. So, embrace the communication powers of your ruling planet, and always be honest to maximize pleasure and minimize pain for everyone involved.
Capricorn Tarot Card of The Month - The Empress
Dear Capricorn, This August is all about getting things that need to be done. Don’t spend too much energy overthinking all over analysing, take action one step at a time. Let go of self-doubt and face your challenges with a lot of confidence and surety. You will be happy and content with what you have and you will be planning on what you want to work towards next. This month you will have to be prepared to take into decisions and to act promptly on these decisions. Health might be a cause for concern, if you are due for any tests do not postpone them and address any concerns immediately.
Career: When it comes to work this month, dear goats You might have an overworked schedule. You might have to pull all nighters and weekends to finish the work load. Though work can be demanding You will be able to finish well within time. A word of caution, do take care of your health and make sure that you get enough rest.
Love: When it comes to love, don’t judge a book by its cover. Don’t jump to conclusions and give people a chance you might like what develops. If you are in a situation-ship this month things can get very ugly or you might opt to end this.
Aquarius Tarot Card of The Month - Nine of Wands
You surely know your worth, don't you dear Aquarius? Then stop letting people around you take advantage of you and your goodness, be it professional or personal. The approval that you are looking for will not be given to you if you allow people around you to take advantage of you. Once you set your boundaries people will respect them and you can work in a more efficient and transparent manner. This month will also have many new experiences to offer and it’s going to be an exciting and energetic month for you. You will have a lot to process, do it carefully and take things at your own pace.
Career: There is something definitely more to you than meets the eye. You have much more to bring to the table, this is the month to show off your knowledge and to bring your special skill set to the table. Aim high at your workplace and you will be surprised at how easily you can achieve it. Put yourself in the limelight and don’t be shy to shine.
Love: You might feel like love is all around you this August dear Aquarius. You are definitely not wrong about this, your stars are aligned on the way to turn up the heat in your relationships. Are you ready to take romance to the next level or to make the big move? Tell someone how you really feel and you would be surprised at how ready they are to accept your proposal.
Pisces Tarot Card of The Month - Ace of Cups
Pisces You might feel that being honest is definitely the best policy this month. The energy of the tarot card Seems to suggest otherwise, you will have to trade carefully and measure your words before you speak. You might think you’re being blunt but you might come off as being rude to people around you. Even though it might feel like nobody around you is paying attention, everyone is listening to what you are saying. Your influence is more powerful than you think and you will need to use it wisely. You might have an irresistible urge to escape the daily grind, take a short trip or a holiday and you will be refreshed and ready for what life demands of you.
Career: If you have been waiting for a big break in your career, this August will bring this to fruition. Get ready to get out of your comfort zone and try something a bit risky, be it Going for bigger clients or exploring a completely new market. If you are looking for a job, be careful and read the contract very well along with the fine print before you accept any offer.
Love: When it comes to love this month dear Pisces, you will have to decide how important is money between the both of you. You would have to see whether you’re thinking is aligned as far as finances are concerned. To improve the quality of the relationship, squeezing I’ll get away this weekend.
Aries Tarot Card of The Month - The World
Dear Aries, you would be very tempted to take the easy way out or to take a lot of shortcuts this August. You might feel that you have earned it or that it’s your privilege but do not be short-sighted about how you go about things, you might have to pay for the price later. This August you might be figuring out what’s next or how to move to the next milestone, you know your mission is unique and your purpose, you get one life and you owe it to yourself to live it up and pursue your dreams.
Career: Don’t feel shy about blowing your own trumpet this Month, if you want to further your career you will have to promote yourself, unapologetically. If you are looking for a new job, talk to your headhunter and you might land yourself a very lucrative package.
Love: Building a nest egg together can also be romantic and enduring with the right partner. You and your partner are in it for the haul, cherish it. If single, don’t be gullible or overly optimistic. If someone is too good to be true, maybe trusting your instincts would do you good.
Taurus Tarot Card of The Month - The Temperance
This August you will be bringing out the risk taker in you, you will be tempted to leap first and think later. Doing something new could be uncomfortable but do take calculated steps and you will find the tools and the faith to move forward. Don’t look at obstacles through your rose-tinted glasses, make provisions of various permutations and combinations. You will be able to make your vision a reality with your feet firmly on the ground. This month also make time for your family, plan something nice like a picnic or a walk by the beach. Your loved ones will truly appreciate the effort and the thoughts that you put in
Career: How would you pass down your knowledge or your specific set of skills? Would it be in the form of designing a training programme or taking a few interns under your wing? See how best you can transfer your learnings? It's time for you to mentor and guide your company.
Love: Are you choosing to be romanced with respect? Thrilling conversations need not always be laced with sarcasm, if you feel you are being talked down to then you might have to make your stand a bit clear, self- respect starts with self. Treat yourself the way you want your bae or your current squeeze to treat you.
Gemini Tarot Card of The Month - Six of Wands
Dear Twin stars, all money and family-related matters for the month of August will have a rosy glow. This month will be very powerful for you, if you turn obstacles into opportunities. You will be inspired to change your energy in any direction that might get your fancy this month, be it a hobby, a new job or person. You might also be landed with additional responsibilities, not that you asked or needed them but you might have to bite the bullet and take things in your stride.
Career: This is not the month to be impatient with your career move or prospects. Think with a calm and cool head and then think some more, will the shift or the projects you choose truly benefit you in the long run?
Love: You will be facing a lot of communication gap that can lead to a lot of misunderstanding and heart ache, something that is totally unnecessary and easily avoidable. A bit of silence and patience can go a long way in keeping the peace between partners.
Cancer Tarot Card of the Month - Four of Cups
Find silver linings, that is your mantra for August dear Goats. This month you might feel like a hamster running on the wheel non-stop. You will be a better person only if you feel calm and settled within, have an honest check as to what is not working for you. You can blame your circumstances or people or even fate but the buck really stops with you. Not everything is gloomy in the month of August, you will have a lot of invites to get-togethers and parties. As you let your hair down, take care that everyone around you is also having fun.
Career: This month will prove to be very competitive and full of struggles. If you feel like you can't handle the stress, reach out for help with your network of support. Be it your therapist, friend or partner. Talking will help you feel lighter and might also give you a fresh perspective on your issues. Don’t take any serious actions or decisions this August.
Love: Flirtations, new affairs and an ex-lover making a comeback. Troublesome energy seems to be on the cards when it comes to love this August. If you are keen on breaking the pattern, lean into your inner child and see what past traumas or partners are making you attract this destructive energy into your love life. Heal and let go for things to slowly but steadily improve.
Tarot Mamta

Mamta learnt tarot from a gypsy woman in London many moons ago, she has been reading cards for over 12 years. She has an international clientele and combines ancient wisdom with the mysterious art of tarot card reading to guide her clients through their challenges. Currently based in Singapore, you can find out more at www.tarotinsingapore.com
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