Tarot Mamta from TarotinSingapore has this month's tarot card readings ready for you. The mystic pairing of sun signs and tarot cards will give you a sneak peek of what’s in store for you this May 2024; let the intuition of the tarot cards draw you in and show you the way.

Tarot Card Reading for Cancer: Ace of Wands
Looks like you’re gearing up for a social and networking-focused month. Whether it’s attending festivals, conferences, or meetups, spending quality time with friends and making new connections can lead to exciting opportunities and collaborations. Enjoy the synergies and have a great time, step out of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences. While their natural inclination is to stick to familiar routines, being open to unexpected changes and exploring less travelled paths can lead to personal growth and exciting opportunities. Embracing this July’s twists and turns with persistence and patience can help discover new interests and possibilities that you may not have encountered otherwise.
Career: This July it seems like you're currently handling a lot of work-related stress, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there, as relief is on its way, and soon you'll be able to relax and unwind. Keep pushing through.
Love: Examine the power dynamics in your relationships. Are they balanced, or is there a struggle for dominance? Evaluate if there is mutual interest and effort from both sides to reconnect and build something meaningful. Have an open and honest chat with your partner.

Tarot Card Reading for Leo: Ten of Swords
Lions, it may sound ancient but navigate this July with honesty and integrity and commit to being transparent in your interactions. Treat others with respect and seek to influence them positively and ethically. Engage in activities that promote self-improvement, such as reading, attending workshops, or meditation. Surround yourself with supportive people who encourage positive behaviour and personal growth.
Career: Absolutely, forming an exciting alliance, especially one that leverages your mutual strengths and positives will help bring your ideas to a wider audience. A powered collaboration can help in various ways, such as generating innovative concepts, optimizing content and providing insightful analytics.
Love: Before you jump into a new partnership, wait and have a realistic think about whether your current life circumstances and future goals align with those of your partners.

Tarot Card Reading for Virgo: The King of Cups
Virgo, you might be feeling a strong attachment to material possessions and a reluctance to let go of things, reflecting your need for extra stability and security, this month. This trait can sometimes manifest as possessiveness, you might not want to let go of things that no longer serve you. If you have started a project see it through to the end rather than abandoning it halfway. This approach will not only help you gain valuable life experience but it may also open up unexpected opportunities, reinforcing growth and leading to potential new paths.
Career: This month when it comes to career, think of technological Advancements. Adapting to any new technologies or tools will improve efficiency and productivity. Study the market very carefully and see if there are any favourable market conditions or trends that you can capitalize on.
Love: This July, you will need to accept that some relationships are best left in the past. Understand that letting go is a form of self-care and necessary for your growth. Practice forgiveness, both for yourself and your ex-partners, to fully move on from past hurt.

Tarot Card Reading for Libra: Three of Swords
Dear Libra, this month you will attract situations where you will often need to be tested, pressured and challenged. This will give you a better understanding of what makes you feel secure and will give you an insight into your triggers and fears. It's through these unexpected experiences that we learn the most about our strengths, weaknesses, and core values. Facing difficulties and overcoming obstacles can reveal our true character and help us grow in ways we might not have anticipated.
Career: Invest in your development, it will prove to be very beneficial in the long run. Look at learning a new skill or gaining knowledge that would enhance your decision-making and soft skills. This July, make your career all about upgrading and improving what you bring to the table.
Love: Consider journaling to reflect on your experiences, emotions, and decisions regarding your relationship. Make this a couple activity and write about what you want in future relationships, focusing on the qualities and dynamics that are important to you.

Tarot Card Reading for Scorpio: Knight of Wands
This July you can expect breakthroughs and be ready to embrace unconventional methods. This month is ripe for innovation and thinking outside the box. Collaborating with like-minded peers will be particularly beneficial, as their insights and support can help you achieve your goals more effectively. Together, you can explore new ideas and approaches that might have seemed unattainable before.
Career: Look at adopting a healthy leadership style and reflect on whether you are leading with respect and empathy or are you resorting to coercion. Foster a collaborative environment where power is shared and respected.
Love: In order to improve the quality of your relationship, consider seeking the help of a therapist to work through complex emotions and gain clarity. Lean on friends and family for support and advice during this introspective period.

Tarot Card Reading for Sagittarius: The Fool
July’s planetary alignment brings a dynamic period for you dear Archers. The energy on the tarot card signals a significant boost in enthusiasm. You will likely feel a strong drive to pursue new ventures, particularly in your professional life. Networking will be essential during this month; make an effort to attend social events and seize any opportunity to expand your connections. This is a favourable period to leverage your increased vitality and enthusiasm for growth and advancement in all aspects of your life.
Career: When it comes to work, expect recognition for your efforts this month. In the form of a promotion or being entrusted with leading a significant project. Your hard work and dedication are likely to be acknowledged, opening doors to new opportunities and responsibilities.
Love: When it comes to relationships, the energy on the tarot card inspires romantic indulgence, encouraging you to express love and affection more freely. While your enthusiasm can enhance your relationship, being mindful of your partner's needs and pace will help maintain harmony in the partnership.

Tarot Card Reading for Capricorn: Two of Cups
Dear Goats, we all have an innate need to want to be liked and we crave to feel good about ourselves but have these desires consciously or unconsciously lead you to control situations or people. Is it driven by fear, anxiety, or past experiences? Consider how your need for control affects your relationships and your overall well-being. Work on building trust in others and in the natural flow of events. Focus on empowering yourself and others in healthy ways rather than exerting dominance.
Career: This July, look for opportunities to collaborate with others, whether through projects, partnerships, or shared ventures. If you feel that things are moving too fast then rather than trying to halt the inevitable, focusing on controlling the pace of change will allow you to have a sense of stability and control at work.
Love: Identify any unresolved emotions or issues that may still linger from the past and that might be casting a shadow in your relationships today. Do your everyday interactions bring you peace or stress? Take a proactive approach and offer to bring about a change that your partner desires.

Tarot Card Reading for Aquarius: Seven of Wands
This July, dear Aquarius practice mindfulness and meditation to stay grounded and present, this will also help you navigate emotions more effectively. Many of you might be focusing your thoughts or actions on something very intense or letting a thought or a person disrupt your balance in other areas of your life. Recognise your patterns, learn from them and heal them before you let them go. Trust in your ability to resolve issues, can empower you to handle challenges gracefully, ensuring a positive and constructive outcome.
Career: You might be feeling a tad bit overseen or you might feel a bit invisible at your workplace, celebrate your successes, both big and small. Arrange to have casual meet-ups with your seniors and get a realistic feel of how your performance is viewed.
Love: When exes and old flings resurface, it can be a powerful time for introspection and decision-making about your love life. Reflect on any recurring patterns or themes in your past relationships. What worked well, and what didn’t? Maybe leaving the past behind is the best.

Tarot Card Reading for Pisces: The Judgement
By recognizing your strengths and potential limits, you can navigate this month with a harmonious blend of relaxation and resilience, enjoying July’s pleasures while maintaining your well-being. Pay some attention to how much personal growth you have experienced these last couple of months and consider how you’ve grown and changed with life’s challenges. This July, if you are seeking closure, communicate respectfully to clear any lingering misunderstandings and bring a sense of finality.
Career: This is the month to embrace career advancements and growth and have focused and meaningful conversations regarding your future in the company or your chosen career path. Make a list of your contributions and your achievements even if it’s mid-year.
Love: Consider whether your relationships encourage personal growth and mutual support. Strengthen meaningful connections and let go of toxic or unfulfilling ones. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you and be that kind of person in your partner’s life as well.

Tarot Card Reading for Aries: Eight of Cups
Planning thoughtfully and making plans that are flexible and adaptable will give you more room to adjust to the pace and vibe of this July. Focus on what truly matters and prioritize activities that bring joy and fulfilment. Keep a gratitude journal where you write down things you are grateful for, focusing on your achievements and the support you’ve received. See if your relationships are where you feel genuinely supported and respected, what do you need to make these connections foster personal growth and bring joy and peace into your life?
Career: When it comes to your career, use July to set new career goals or plan your next steps if you’re considering a career change or promotion. Ensure your resume or portfolio reflects your latest achievements and skills and don’t shy from showing off your innate talent.
Love: Evaluate the quality of your relationships. Are they supportive and positive, or do they drain your energy? If you feel that later is true, take intentional steps toward understanding and improving your behaviour, once your partner sees the effort that you are taking, they will surely respond and cultivating healthier relationships will be more possible.

Tarot Card Reading for Taurus: Queen of Wands
This month, make it a time to de-clutter and remove physical and emotional clutter from your life to create space for new, positive experiences. Your strength and adaptability can sometimes lead you to overestimate your resilience, making it important to balance your capacity for change with self-care. Learn to set boundaries to prevent overextending yourself, even when everything seems manageable. Balance your resilience with adequate rest and self-care. Remember that being strong also means knowing when to step back and recharge.
Career: Look at your working space and especially your desk. Is it organized, aesthetically pleasing, and comfortable? Maybe you can incorporate natural elements into your space, such as plants or a pet fish to make it feel more positive and inspiring.
Love: This July, dear Bulls, reflect on how effectively you communicate with your significant other. Are there any unresolved conflicts or unexpressed feelings that you are overlooking and wishing that they would magically resolve by themselves?
Tarot Card Reading for Gemini: The Moon
July carries a sense of renewal, abundance and heaps of good vibes. By aligning with the natural rhythms of this month, you can balance productivity with relaxation and infuse your life with a sense of magic and possibility. Use this energy to complete projects and assess your progress. It's also a great time for manifestation and setting intentions for the coming months. Consider spending time in nature, practising mindfulness, embracing creativity and allowing yourself to dream and explore new possibilities. You might also incorporate fairy-themed activities or decorations into your environment to inspire joy and wonder.
Career: Connect with your past and you will be able to pave the way forward. Reflecting on the past can reveal patterns and significant events that will influence your financial or business growth.
Love: By thoughtfully reflecting on your relationships and making intentional changes, you can create a lavish, cosy life that truly nourishes your body, mind, and spirit. This can be a very transformative step in your relationship but it would be a very fruitful one.
Tarot Mamta

Mamta learnt tarot from a gypsy woman in London many moons ago, she has been reading cards for over 12 years. She has an international clientele and combines ancient wisdom with the mysterious art of tarot card reading to guide her clients through their challenges. Currently based in Singapore, you can find out more at www.tarotinsingapore.com
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