Your October 2022 Tarot Card Reading Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Tarot Mamta from TarotinSingapore has her October tarot card readings ready for you this month. The mystic pairing of sun signs and tarot cards will give you a sneak peek of what’s in store for you this month; let the intuition of the tarot cards draw you in and show you the way.
Tarot Card Reading for Libra: Seven of Cups
This October, you would want to clone yourself to get all the things that would land up on your plate. Needless to add that this month would prove to be very busy on all fronts for you. Your online avatar will gain new followers and a lot of traction and you can position yourself as an Influencer if you play your cards right with little or no effort. Make health a priority and sign up for some trial or free fitness classes just to get the adrenaline pumping.
Career: Your need to be number one at work might create a lot of problems for you this month. You might land up working longer hours and the hardest part would be that you would not get much accomplished. Take a breather and don't make life so difficult for yourself.
Love: you will be doing everything in your power to protect yourself emotionally from your partner, having an honest chat might help the situation but it would not chance things much. If single, you would be played out by someone who would be smarter than you.
Tarot Card Reading for Scorpio: The Emperor
This October will be all about investing in yourself and upgrading your skills, be it through online classes or signing up for courses to attend. Along with boosting your confidence this will also elevate your personality. You are a perfectionist at heart and improving your skills through diligence and consistent practice will come naturally to you. Pull up your socks and get to work dear Scorpios, as this month will bring you opportunities to sow seeds of potential growth and success.
Career: You will be entrusted with additional responsibilities at work this October. You will have the capability to fulfill your responsibilities and even the foresight to lead and take the project to new heights. Don’t be shy to take the credit where the credit is due.
Love: Maybe you have been a bit of a pushover when it comes to your relationship, be open in your communication. You will also need to make extra effort to be firm on your decisions and your needs. If you have met someone new in your life, make sure you do proper research before you make a decision.
Tarot Card Reading for Sagittarius: The Strength
The energy of renewal seems to be very high on your cards this October dear Sagittarius. This is thanks to all the healing and the letting go that you have done, you might feel that the same situation or people do not bother you as much as they did. It’s a sign that you have matured and your higher vibe will soon attract its own tribe. Let go of previous patterns and welcome the new in all its form and experiences. An action-packed and growth driven month ahead on the cards for you, Archers.
Career: You are doing some excellent work with your projects but you might be taking your responsibilities a bit too lightly or your seniors might not be taking you too seriously. Keep up the good work and you will have good chances of promotion and appraisal in the coming year.
Love: You are giving off some serious stalker vibes dear Archer, you might have been mislead or even cheated on but there is fine line between doing research and being obsessed. Give it a rest and if its meant to be it will come through. If married you will have a peaceful October with your better half.
Tarot Card Reading for Capricorn: Queen of Cups
Do you feel you want to reinvent yourself, your persona or your perspective? Your tarot card does suggest that its time to dream a new dream. Set a whole list of fresh and challenging goals for yourself and see how this entire exercise makes you come alive with excitement. Starting again can be cripplingly scary but living a life with more profound meaning can be worth the trouble. It will bring you closer to the ideal life you want but you must committed to unlearn what you know and have taken for granted.
Career: When you close one door, you will need to place yourself in a position where you would have more doors to open. If you feel that your current workplace is just not working for you, quit in a logical and professional manner. Spread the word of your search and see if the new opportunities peek your interest. Don’t make emotional decisions about your career.
Love: Are you in your relationship for yourself or is it family obligations or is for the kids? You might feel a bit stuck in your partnership and you might even feel that an affair of a fling would be justified but are ready to deal with the guilt and the sheer amount of planning and secrecy?
Tarot Card Reading for Aquarius: Page of Pentacles
Even if the most capable person in the room is you to get a certain job done, it does not mean that you have to volunteer to do it. You might also find yourself worrying too much about things that are beyond your control. Pick up some tools like meditation or mindfulness to help you stay grounded and pick yourself up from whatever arises out of that stage. The more you are able to center yourself and and stay stable, you will be capable of making good choices through uncertain times or situations.
Career: Are you being adored for your contribution at your job or the fact that you are an ‘yes’ man to your seniors? It is good to accommodate and to help pitch in whenever you can but don’t do it if you are being taken for granted. You might also attract a very good job offer completely out of the blue this October.
Love: Are you having a lot of disagreements or squabbles with your partner? What are the habits that bothering you, have a sit down and present your point of view politely. You both might land up brainstorming for solutions and may reach at a point that might be more acceptable to the both of you. If single, you might be want to go on a digital detox and meet people in real life.
Tarot Card Reading for Pisces: Eight of Cups
October is all about the importance of communication and how and whom you choose to connect, the chances of being misunderstood or even misquoted is rather high this month. If your friends truly understand you then you will not have to explain yourself too much. All you need to the truth and inner calm and peace to get through this month, at times silence is the best defense and may that is all that’s needed too. Its an important month for finances as some of your investments would give your exceptional returns.
Career: Balance would be the theme for this month for you dear Pisces. Maybe giving work too much importance over your personal life would build a slow resentment between you and your spouse or loved ones. If you are looking for a career shift, an ex-colleague or an ex-boss might reach out to regarding a potential opening.
Love: Do you do well with feed back from your partner or do you sulk like an overgrown baby? You partner knows your flaws and loves you in spite of it, if you willing to listen and work on them, you will make yourself and the relationship too much better. If single, you might attract love from someone who would be senior to you by at least 5-6 years.
Tarot Card Reading for Aries: Knight of Wands
This month, don’t be afraid or even stop yourself from dreaming big, having a different perspectives or even taking more control over your life. This is an excellent month, as all your stars are aligned to sow the seeds for your boldest ambitions and dreams. It is healthy and even advisable to listen to other perspectives but do not down the inner voice on what you want from your life. The energy on the tarot card asks you to take a chance on yourself, dear Aries. The big question is will answer the calling or send it straight to voicemail?
Career: Its time to make some noise at your workplace, if you have an idea or a solution, no matter how outlandish or silly it might seem to you, voice it, loud and clear. You would have to get a lot more creative and innovative if you are looking for a new job, maybe send some PR kit or a some gift to your headhunter or your prospective employers.
Love: If you are in a new relationship or looking for one, you can expect the relationship to raise to new heights of intimacy and joy if you give it a chance. But you will have to be sure that you are willing to work through your anger and trust issues first.
Tarot Card Reading for Taurus: Ace of Swords
Bring your unique Tauran magic to everything that you do this October, dear Bull. Step into your potential like a boss and own your brilliance, as you focus on your spotlight be humble and grateful for all your talents and skills. Chase your joy and let the rest figure itself out, the only thing you can be sure of is your intent and your actions. Bear in mind that nothing is cast in stone and you do have the right to change your mind. Don't be in a rush to judge people around you and be open to giving them a second chance.
Career: If you fail to accept your mistakes, you will waste a lot of time and energy in resisting. It would be wiser to learn from your shortcomings and move on, this month don’t shy away from taking responsibility about your failures. Even this will help you in the long run, though it might seem detrimental to the security of your job.
Love: Don’t allow your ego to dominate your relationships, this October. Your partner might have been patient but they do deserve a better version of you. If single, try not to hook up with friends as you might lose the friendship and the relationship.
Tarot Card Reading for Gemini: Four of Pentacles
Twin stars, this month you will find yourself too fixated with all that’s not working, things that you have not achieved or other stressors that will make you feel very stuck and lost. You will need to take one day at a time and see what are the practical steps that you need to take to make things happen for you. Don’t judge yourself too harshly and trust that the universe does have a plan for you, your job is to keep walking and to have faith.
Career: When it comes to your career, it’s time to bring in some uncomfortable changes in the way that you approach your job. Maybe you are investing too little time and effort in networking or you are not meeting the right people who can help propel your career to greater heights.
Love: Whether you have just started a relationship or been in a commitment for a while, you will witness a lot of new beginnings. Your partner will work on new and better ways of communicating and reaching out to you, the passion between the sheets would also be reignited. All in all a fantastic month for love and romance.
Tarot Card Reading for Cancer: Five of Pentacles
Crabs, you will need to slow down and take things a lot more relaxed. What inspires you? What do you want to be a part of or contribute to? The energy on the cards seem to show that you are in the midst of a battle of some kind, it might be mental or physical one. Your aura will change for the better but instead of just wishful thinking, you will have to go deeper into the root of the issue, listen more intensely, learn with more hunger and seek to truly understand. If you are true to the process you will witness some outstanding transformation.
Career: This month at work, you might be yearning to belong, maybe the feeling of being isolated or being left out would be very strong. Try to catch up with ex-colleagues or local clubs, even signing up for workshops will help you with the group energy that you might be craving for.
Love: This October you will need to be a bit cautious and even deliberate when it comes to your relationships. You might want to take the relationship to the next level but your partner might not be on the same page. You might be tempted to push to things forward but don't be in a hurry and give your partner the space and time they need.
Tarot Card Reading for Leo: King of Swords
Money too is a form of energy, this month you will get the opportunity to introspect and even transform your relationship with money. It would be an ideal time to increase your knowledge base on investments and how to grow your savings, information will be key this October. God is in the details and more focused you are about your financial road map the possibility of getting there will be higher. Towards the end of the month, you will prefer your own company, drown the noise outside and use the time to reflect.
Career: This October, when it comes to work even though your ideas are the best you will have to play to be a team leader. In the long run people who can nurture and build fresh interns and employees into contributing individuals will be more valuable to any company.
Love: If you are looking for love, in addition to your online dating you will have to get out and mingle. Once you meet a potential partner, don't be in hurry to get into a commitment. Be patient. And then be more patient. If you are in a committed relationship things will move very smoothly for you.
Tarot Card Reading for Virgo: Nine of Wands
The past needs to remain in the past, you need to move on and give yourself a fresh new start. Maybe you have been overthinking something that need not be so hard or difficult. Seek out for your security blanket, be it your teddy bear, spa session or a long warm chat with your bestie and rest assured that it would all be sorted out. This month don’t shy away from a fight, stand your ground and your peers will respect you for your conviction. Sometimes, these challenges or obstacles will remind you what is worth fight for and what might not be worth your time and energy.
Career: You will need to pull up your socks or dig deep and get things done that you might have been putting of or procrastinating about. Maybe not everyone in your team has your back, there are some streaks of jealousy,
So be safe, and be guarded about who you expose your plans and dreams to this month.
Love: When it comes to love, do things that heal and relax both you and your bae. Schedule a month long list of activities and hangouts that would make being together a joyous experience. Make time for deep rest and some treats. Then end October with a bang- an exotic weekend getaway. Create bliss.
Tarot Mamta

Mamta learnt tarot from a gypsy woman in London many moons ago, she has been reading cards for over 12 years. She has an international clientele and combines ancient wisdom with the mysterious art of tarot card reading to guide her clients through their challenges. Currently based in Singapore, you can find out more at www.tarotinsingapore.com
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