Tarot Mamta from TarotinSingapore has her May tarot card readings ready for you. The mystic pairing of sun signs and tarot cards will give you a sneak peek of what’s in store for you this month; let the intuition of the tarot cards draw you in and show you the way.
Taurus Tarot Card of the Month - Two of Swords
May will have you acting or even thinking in a completely new way, your stars are aligned to bring about the change that you have been craving for a long time. If you are feeling adventurous or want to take a risk, this Month will be just what you ordered for. Remember to take some time and space to listen to the voice within, even it feels more like a nag. As far as finances go, you are finally getting beyond your worries about money, because you will have realized that your worry isn't helping you. You can make a difference in your financial situation if you let go of your fear and get moving.
Career: When it comes to your career, May brings you a strong word of caution: don’t indulge in office gossip or politics. This will help you focus more on your performance and exceed expectations. If you are looking for a job, you will need to work your network and it will bring you the opening you desire.
Love: Are you being a bully? Or acting like a spoilt child when it comes to your behaviour with your spouse? Your partner can try and put you down due to one or the other reason or pressurize you to get their say, which can cause problems in your relationship. If single, online matches will keep you busy, do watch out for scammers.
Gemini Tarot Card of the Month - The Emperor
May will see you embrace your security blanket a lot more tighter, you might want to cling on to things that lend to your sense of stability. No matter how dependent you are on your habits or your beliefs, you will be able to break them with disciple and determination. This month would help you build and maintain an empowering relationship with your friends, mentors and family alike.
Career: It might take a while for you to see the fruits of your labour when it comes to your career, this month. This might be disappointing and you might be a tad bit sensitive to feedback.
Love: Will you be able to let petty issues not affect your relationship? If you are able to turn a blind eye, you will benefit by having a blissful partnership. You will have to put in a lot of effort to normalise your martial life.
Cancer Tarot Card of the Month - Four of Pentacles Reversed
Multi-tasking will definitely not be your cup of tea, you will need to put in extra effort and restrain yourself from getting distracted. Tasks that require concentrated effort will feel particularly difficult, and that is if you attempt to complete them at all. Making a to-do list or even prioritising will help you a lot.
Career: Financially, are you satisfied with what you are making? Would you want to explore a second source of income? Look into partnerships or turn your hobby into a money making plan. You will need to look beyond the 9-5pm routine to create financial independence.
Love: Resist the urge to fly the coop, especially if you feel your relationship has hit a boring patch. Enter the seventh house, you will feel attracted towards each other but some conflicts are likely to arise. Hence, you will have to make more efforts to normalise your marital life. For Singles who may fall head over heels with their BFFs, there is the potential of this developing into a stable relationship.
Leo Tarot Card of the Month - The Justice
May might see you very keen to end a toxic relationship or even a group of people from your life. Take a breath and sit with yourself to see if you are truly ready to cut the cord, if the answer is yes, then move forward in releasing the person from your life. Don’t feel bad about limiting their access to you. Take your power back. Let the release happen and let life bring you new and renewed energy.
Career: Are things feeling a bit stagnant at work? Do you feel like you can use a challenge? Ask for that project or voice your out-of-the-box solutions. Doing these things will help elevate your career and professional aspirations to the next level. Be an innovator.
Love: This is a great month to understand your spouse, as they will be open and vulnerable. Both your sentiments are running deep, allowing you to connect and feel your feelings on an intense level.
Virgo Tarot Card of the Month - Knight of Pentacles
Note to yourself this month: Don’t feel guilty or double guess to pamper yourself with the finest. You also know how to glean the most pleasure from the leanest of circumstances. You can get creative with your available budget, a night in with your favourite take away can be just the fix that you need. Take your time, take off and hit the restart button with a vengeance this May.
Career: You will need to value and appreciate your efforts and your progress much more before you expect others to praise you. Check for signs of progress, no matter how small, things will be going good on the work front.
Love: Romantic life will be a delight this month, it will be the perfect weather for some light hearted flirting or to heat things up in the bedroom. Singles will easily enter into love relationships, but there will be a lack of commitment.
Libra Tarot Card of the Month - Page of Swords
Have you been waiting for the tide to turn? You may feel a bit under the weather for the first half of the month. The sun will shine bright and soak up all the blues in no time. Don’t be surprised if you lose your appetite for small talk or anything superficial now. Grow up, settle down and take action to execute your plans. Your destiny will conspire to help you succeed in spite of the obstacles.
Career: You may be trying too hard, pushing too fast, or stepping on your colleagues' toes. You may need to study the body language of others, and consider how well you do or do not accept your feedback. Be slow and mind your own business at work this month, this will be much needed and even appreciated.
Love: Know when to push and when to back off, allow your partner to have his or her space. This is crucial for happiness. Your sentiments are running deep, allowing you to connect and feel your feelings on an intense level. If single, go out and mingle, don’t stick to your familiar group or activities.
Scorpio Tarot Card of the Month - Ace of Wands
The tarot card assures you that things are likely to be getting much better very soon. So take your time and research, explore and maybe hire a coach to help you reposition yourself. You are likely to be feeling quite energetic and positive, or you very soon will be feeling that way. Remember that your dream job and life are well within your reach, you only have to manifest it.
Career: It is that time of the year to step up your professional game, know that something new and very positive is likely to be headed your way soon. Be bold and ask for what you want or need in the work.
Love: You will feel like a magnet, attracting one and all. Make sure you know what you are offering and don’t make false promises. Even a casual situation has a way of becoming extremely intense under this month’s influence.
Sagittarius Tarot Card of the Month - Nine of Wands
You might have been burning the candle from both ends, you seem to have forgotten how to relax. This month might bring in a lot of risky options and possibilities, trusting yourself to take a step into the unknown is one thing, but doing so without any thought whatsoever may be a mistake. Family matters will be spotlighted and could blow the lid off some simmering conflicts.
Career: Throwing your weight around will provoke an epic power struggle. If you’ve been ignoring money matters, a wake-up call could snap you out of that state.
Love: Probably being heard, understood and Fortunately, this full moon brings the serious potential for lasting love. If you’ve found your happy place with bae, this is the weekend to celebrate your twosome in a special way.
Capricorn Tarot Card of the Month - Three of Cups
Divine intervention- that would sum up your May, dear Capricorn through the month you would feel powerfully and purposefully guided as if a universal force is leading the way, opening doors and taking away obstacles. The best way you can show your gratitude is by paying it forward, do an unexpected favour or even volunteer at a soup kitchen or start a charity drive for a cause that’s close to your heart. This is a good reason to start the month on the most meditative note that you can muster.
Career: If you are waiting for some good news on a new job or project, it will fall on your lap almost out of the blue. You will be called upon to play mentor or to train new recruits. You might even find that you would develop a keen interest for the same. If your cash hasn’t been flowing the way you want, you’ll feel inspired to undertake an appropriate money makeover.
Love: Do you feel a bit neglected or even taken for granted in your relationship? It seems your partnership might have lost some lustre, add some spice by planning a surprise romantic dinner or a raunchy night in. Swear off the silent treatment and learn to communicate as two adult equals.
Aquarius Tarot Card of the Month - Queen of Cups
Stability and security are important and it's perfectly normal to crave it and even cling on to it, but do check if your dependence on the familiar is stunting your growth. Don’t let outdated beliefs and ideas limit what you can achieve when the cosmos are working overtime for you. Over the month of May, see what happens if you approach life with greater curiosity. Be open to new experiences, people and perspectives and your life could grow in enriching ways.
Career: Have you been plotting to have a new source of income? May will bear fruit to this endeavour. You might get this opportunity through an investment, a part-time job, a business scheme, or even a new job.
Love: Your differences can match up very well but you still seem to struggle with finding common ground. Sign up for couples dance, cooking or painting classes and do things together. If single, you might nurse a crush for a colleague or your boss.
Pisces Tarot Card of the Month - Knight of Wands
May comes packed with a lot of fabulous opportunities for you dear Pisces, the energy of the month points to lots of activities that help you be out and about and get things accomplished. You are unlikely to feel like waiting for anything to come to you; that's a good thing, go after your heart's desire with all the positivity that the university will bring to you. You may receive an unexpected windfall, you can surely use it to buy some big-ticket items or to diversify your investment portfolio.
Career: If you are looking for a job, this month will bring you a lot of positive news. Always read the fine print on paperwork, up ahead and take ownership of your projects and your work. Including emails and any form of communication.
Love: If single, you will be literally swept off your feet, you will meet your match and fall hard in love. For married couples, both of you might be fighting to get the last word, and deep down, you're pretty sure you're smarter than your better half.
Aries Tarot Card of the Month - The Star
The cards are asking you to literally wish upon your star and get ready for an amazing May, dear Aries. Be it your health, finances or your luck, you will be attracting all that you desire and more this month. This month’s celestial energy is intense, which is why it’s important to take time for yourselves to centre and ground the energies at play. A walk in the park or feeling the sand by the beach will be a fun and good way to stabilise yourself.
Career: You have a high chance to attract a promotion, an increment or both. You will make everyone take note of your ideas and your talents. If you were disturbed by the bad behaviour of one of your colleagues at work, try to improve the situation by talking to them in the meantime.
Love: You and your partner will have a lot of conflicts, all thanks to your egoistic nature. This will breed resentment and a lot of bitterness between you two. It would be better to practice silence to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
For personalised Tarot Card Readings or Tarot Card Lessons, WhatsApp Tarot Mamta at (+65) 9749 9287.
Tarot Mamta

Mamta learnt tarot from a gypsy woman in London many moons ago, she has been reading cards for over 12 years. She has an international clientele and combines ancient wisdom with the mysterious art of tarot card reading to guide her clients through their challenges. Currently based in Singapore, you can find out more at www.tarotinsingapore.com
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