Laser Hair Removal: IPL, LHE, CoolGlide - Know the Difference

Thick healthy hair on the head is a crowning glory, but a moustache on a woman or hair on the legs is not exactly preferred. It’s not just women anymore though, both men and women alike now desire to remove unwanted hair to achieve smooth and clear skin.
Thanks to the advancement in technology, there is more than one way to semi-permanently get rid of all that unwanted hair on your body to reveal soft and smooth skin. However, with all the talk about Laser, IPL and LHE, how do you know which semi-permanent hair removal technology is right for you? Well, let us break it down for you.
Cutera CoolGlide Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is the #1 non-invasive aesthetics treatment available today. Its unique design, longer wavelength, and innovative cooling design, allows for extremely effective, safe and permanent results. When the pulse of light is delivered, some patients experience a mild stinging sensation resulting in slight redness. The use of sunscreen is recommended.
Recommended for: People with very dark skin tone including tanned patients.
LHE Hair Removal Technology
LHE which stands for Light, Heat and Energy is a method of hair removal that targets the melanin in the hair shaft. The light from the laser machine is then converted to heat as soon as it hits each follicle. Through this, future hair growth is inhibited and often prevented. The low energy levels in LHE creates a safe treatment that requires minimal preparation. Without any of the side effects of traditional semi-permanent hair removal methods, burning or scarring, LHE means no downtime, just play time!
Recommended for: People with medium to dark skin tones
Cutera Prowave IPL Hair Removal Technology
IPL stands for Intense Pulse Light, which is a form of light therapy used in hair removal. From a technical perspective, IPL has multiple wavelengths that scatter within the skin. The light is absorbed by the pigment in the hair and it quickly turns to heat which then kills the growing cell that forms the hair. After an IPL treatment, customers are informed to stay away from the sun as any tanning of the skin can result in pigmentation in the areas you laser.
Recommended for: People with fair to medium skin tone
Laser hair removal is more than just ‘zapping’ unwanted hair. It is a medical procedure that requires training to perform and carries potential risks. Before getting laser hair removal, you should thoroughly check the credentials of the doctor or technician performing the procedure. The doctor/ aesthetician will be able to recommend a laser technology suitable for your skin and inform you of the necessary procedure before heading in for your first appointment.
So once you’re comfortable, you could easily say good riddance to hair you are not a fan of!
All of the above treatments are available at Cutis Medical Laser Clinics. The clinic is located at 9 Scotts Road, #08-07, Pacific Plaza, Singapore 228210. Visit their website at www.cutislaserclinics.com to know more about what they do or contact them at +65 6801 4000.