Work getting really stressful of late? Or just want a peaceful and quiet break from everything and everyone?
While a Spa getaway in Bali or Thailand is magical, if it’s de-stressing, there are plenty of options that doesn't require an expensive plane ride. Singapore offers several ways to de-stress and unwind – just a matter of being away for a few hours and we promise you will feel the difference.
1. Cook away your woes
One great way to completely unwind is to do something different and interesting. Try your hand at learning how to cook a 3-course Japanese meal or perhaps meet new people at a Wine tasting and cooking session. Roll out pasta, make mistakes and then laugh your way to a warm enjoyable meal. That should take the stress of a hectic work week away!
2. A good old Spa
An oldie but such a goodie, one long session at a spa can literally pound the tension away. Even though it’s not literally in Singapore (a short ferry ride away), we particularly love Tempat Senang in Batam for making us feel like we are on a holiday and still be back in Singapore for dinner the same evening. Choose between their half (3 hour) or full day (6 hour) spa packages – whether you want to be accompanied by a special someone or just get some peace on your own, it is up to you.
3. Take comfort in Art
Imagine sitting in a quiet, stress free environment and being able experiment through art. ARThaus aims to create a space where adults and children are able to discover, explore and express freely the creativity in them all set in a cosy environment. A range of workshops are available but for a quick chance to exude your creativity we recommend Art Jammin. Art Jammin allows you to spend 2 hours with or without a teacher, exploring the artist in you.
4. Join a Joyologist
Yes, you read that right! Meet Dr. Yvonne Looi a Joyologist, with a certification in the Science of Happiness (she also has a Phd in Biology). She is a certified Laughter Yoga Teacher endorsed by the founder of Laughter Yoga and runs several workshops across Singapore. Infectious and fun to participate in, she makes people laugh in 10 such clubs across the city. Should you want your entire team to de-stress, Dr Yvonne Looi runs Laughter Yoga sessions for corporates like a pro too!
5. Cuddle up with animals
They say a puppy can make you instantly happy! WTF or We are the Fur balls, is a dog petting café that allows you to take time off and just relax with dogs or various sizes and breeds. For those of you who prefer Cats, The Cat Café has 13 cats lounging around to be perfect companions for the day. Coffee with furry company makes for a fun day for sure!
6. Floatation
Known to speed up inner and physical healing as you float effortlessly on Epsom salt water – Floatation is simple and yet an effective 30,60 or 90 minutes away from the madness. During Floatation, your mind enters a deep meditative state, and your body reverses the harmful effects of stress. What does it actually entail? Stepping into a pod filled with Epsom salt water (so you float easily), switching off all lights and then just being one with yourself in the quiet. To try Floatation, visit Palm Ave Float Club at http://palmavefloatclub.com/
7. Take Meditation lessons
One of the biggest reasons people turn to meditation is to reduce stress. If stress has you anxious and restless, try your hand at this method of self reflection that therapists swear by. Tara Light Within offer over 10 types of meditation classes including one for the entire family. Open your chakras, release negative energies and bring about supreme awareness in everything you do or see. They also provide tarot card reading which has helped several clients resolve matters of the heart and the mind. Give way to your inner self at http://www.taralightwithin.com/
8. Give Back
Stress really does melt away when you help out and give back. Volunteering is perhaps the most rewarding (and nicest) of ways to de-stress - get away from the daily chatter and use your skills towards a greater good. Expatgiving specialize in reaching out to over 60 different non-profits in the region and will help you connect to a job of your liking or convenience. From one day events to a proper skilled job (weekends if you prefer those), the number of options are endless and so are the type of organisations you can volunteer for. Animal shelters, building infrastructure for the needy or simply helping a local aunty with her chores – you will only return less tense, humbled and hugely grateful.
Natasha Tulsi - Vanilla Luxury Magazine Editorial Director

Wordsmith and marketer by day, Natasha is your go-to girl on all things beauty, travel and family. This mommy to two loves her cheese, a fab read and crooning to Ping Fong (don't we all?). Natasha also heads Communications at Expatgiving and helps volunteers find their dream non-profit role! Reach her at email or via her Instagram @sonattymama
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